What is WRaPT?

WRaPT is a Workforce Repository and Planning Tool that the local Connecting Care Workforce group has agreed to use to model workforce across local healthcare providers and then use this data to look at the workforce implications of various scenarios in changing the provision of local services.

Such service change could include:

  • Developing a GP employed fully integrated community and practice nursing team?
  • What is the impact of Clinical Pharmacists on general practice workload and the implications for skill mixing in General Practice?
  • What might the impact of seeing the 30% of patients who are reported to not be needed to be seen in Emergency Departments in general practice?

It is really exciting stuff but the first step is to get some baseline workforce data and then the plan is have a workshop to discuss what scenarios we want to model. The tool is a repository for workforce data and also activity associated with this workforce. The activity data that is fed into the tool depends on the scenarios that we want to model.

General Practices have a contractual obligation to supply workforce data to NHS England but in order for us to access this data, practices need to agree to share this data into the workforce tool. The data that is shared is anonymised and we/you will not be able to identify individual practices or individuals from the outputs from the tool.

For more details about WRaPT click on their website here.

In order to legally share the data into the WRaPT tool practices need to sign a data sharing agreement. I have had a few questions about the Data Sharing Agreement and the answers to common questions are listed below:

Is this a national initiative for workforce modelling?
No, this is a pilot, but learning will be used to support other areas in the usefulness and limitations of using WRaPT

Have the NHSE IG team been involved in drawing up the Data Sharing Agreement?
The data sharing agreement is based on a common NHS template used across organisations and has been approved by local Trusts IG leads.

In the Data Sharing Agreement it is a little unclear whether the data is identifiable or anonymised?
The data is anonymised and psuedonimised. It is very very secure.

Why do you want practices to share sensitive personal data?
This will enable us to produce demographic comparison reports across Wakefield and also to comply with legislation and produce equality impact assessments where they maybe changes on the workforce

If you have any more questions about WRaPT and Data Sharing Agreement please email me.


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